
Recent updates

Food products and personal care products for families with small…

They sent hard soap, rice and canned vegetables to the…

On July 4, the “Team Bowling Tournament” among veterans and…

The “Ternopil” Charitable Foundation together with the “Waves of Change”…

Charitable foundations “Waves of Change” and “Ternopil” donated medical care…

Another batch of volunteer aid went to the needy from…

Volunteers of the “Waves of Change” and “Ternopil” charitable foundations…

The children of the Ternopil Orphanage received products and clothes…


«Waves of Change» Charitable Foundation will always help those in need!

UKRAINE, 46001
Ternopil, street O. Kulchytska, 2-A
phone: +38 099 774 14 99, +38 096 927 01 27,