Volunteers from Ternopil sent food kits to the residents of a front-line village

Volunteers of the “Waves of Change” and “Ternopil” charitable foundations sent aid to the front-line villages. The products were delivered by the military to people who still live in the war zone.

“Servicemen of the civil-military cooperation group of the 105th OBrTrO handed over food kits from the WAVE OF CHANGE, a charity fund and the Ternopil Charitable Fund to the residents of Velika Pysarivka, who suffered as a result of Russian strikes. Due to the war, the residents of this village were forced to move in search of a safe place to live. But there are those who remain under certain life circumstances. We will continue to support our people! Together we will do more!”, – said the head of the Khvyli Zmin Foundation.


Volunteers from Ternopil sent food kits to the residents of a front-line village


«Waves of Change» Charitable Foundation will always help those in need!

UKRAINE, 46001
Ternopil, street O. Kulchytska, 2-A
phone: +38 099 774 14 99, +38 096 927 01 27,
e-mail: wavesofchange7@gmail.com,